Scholars have ongoing engagement to improve areas of focus.
Local businesses ally with scholars in order to provide internship and employment opportunities.
Student progress is identified on their on-line profile through earning progressive badges viewable by local businesses.
Classroom learning is applied to real world situations.
Scholars assist local businesses through submitting and completing guided project proposals.
Scholars progress from novice to budding professional through engagement and relationship building.
Great relationships are built on give and take. -We make relationship building easy for scholars and businesses.
Scholars complete an on-line profile and receive on-going engagement to learn skills beneficial to businesses. Business owners are able to share an obstacle that they are experiencing and through engagement and coaching, scholars complete guided projects and pitch them to the business as a solution. Completed projects become a part of the scholar's portfolio and scholars earn digital badges to their profile as public display of their skill set and learning.
In time, businesses can "ally" with any number of scholars by offering internship and/or employment opportunities.
Relationships are established with local business owners and they identify a challenge that they are experiencing within their business and upload details of it to the BAS platform.
Scholars work towards solving the challenge and offering a viable solution to the business and submit proposals for business owners to view.
Students earn open-source badges as they learn skills through completing projects.